World: Current World (The period of time: 0.1.8)

Aborek (A Vision of Aborek): A mage of Black Magic.
Adelphius Kang: Commander Kang of Marali.
Aducath: A mage.
Alastor: A researcher into ancient artifacts.
Alberte: Callathan's son. A poor man deceived by bullies.
Altaira Mei: A healer of Marali.
Amalphus Vei: Head Cleric of Brigobaen.
Ambrose: A scholar of Andris.
Anderson: Elsa Anderson, a senator of Andris Senate.
Anon: Another Willow Hauksen.
Aphilche: A leader of mercenaries.
Araine: Beleth's daughter, a servant at the Mirith castle.
Aramach: Seems to be related to Brigobean.
Arlis (A vision of Arlis): A treasure hunter of Nelthylin.
Arny: A buccaneer plotting to tame the resource wealth of Duldrus.
Avesne: A member of distant Sorcerer's Council, the discoverer of the elements of Enchanting.
Ash Hauksen: A presumed descendant of The Family Hauksen.
Ayara Rita (A Vision of Ayara Rita, and a vision of the figure possessed by the spirit of Ayara Rita): A treasure hunter of Nelthylin.
Belenis (Keeper): A proof of the Curio's power. The holder of the final piece for The Key.
Beleth: Royal Wizard of Mirith.
Birek McCalla: Former Royal Guard of Mirith in succession to Zexe, hails from Marali.
Blood Cabalist: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Blood Cleric: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Blood Druid: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Blood Fighter: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Blood Lich: A member of The Pledge of Blood, the reincarnation of Blood Magi.
Blood Magi: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Blood Shaman: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Blood Prophet: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Blood Wizard: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Blood Warrior: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Bluerton: A leader figure of a Brigand squad. A member of the Black Hand.
Bodrik: He made himself a Lich on his own will. One of the sons of Darlith. Used to be seen in an arcane barricade near Mirith.
Bolgrin: His brother was a first mate of a ship that had Mayer Palmer.
Bone Knight: A creation by necromancy.
Bone Lord —A creation by necromancy.
Borigard: A Master Tinkerer.
Brigand Chief
Brigand Cleric
Brigand Hauler
Brigand Leader
Brigand Mage
Brigand Thug
Brigand Spy
Brock: An assassin.
Brownington: A leader figure of a Brigand squad. A member of the Black Hand.
Calindra: A niece of Senator Halbim.
Callathan: Alberte's father.
Casden Pernell: Captain Casden Pernell, Royal Scout of Mirith.
Cecil: Former head Cleric of Brigobaen, historian.
Cesca Andon: Major Andon of Marali.
Ciddia Tigg: Vicereine of Mirith, held positions such as Captain of Mirith Guard, Royal Guard of Mrith.
Clara: One of Lancaster's ranks, Cleric.
Copioses: Jacob Copioses, wishes to become a senator of Andris (?)
Craussar: Lord Craussar, the guardian of the Forest. Forest Dragon.
Crypt Master: Haunts in Mirith Crypt.
Cythreda: A Necromancer of the Black Hand.
Darkstar: A mystery woman. A rogue.
Darlith: A deceased mage. He had three sons; Bodrik, Greshthar and Maragir. While his work has not been elucidated yet, it is told that it has been sealed in somewhere undiscovered but reachable.
Denreth: A mercenary Druid, works for the Black Hand.
Draconiatis: A Red Dragon incarnate (?)
Dulcibella: An apothecary.
Dyana Satel: A Gohoran, a member of The Pledge of Blood.
Elefin: Yadeth's wife, a Wizard. Once the leader of the Black Hand, became the Blood Servant after her take of the Blood Dagger.
Emma: Major Emma of Marali.
Esile: A pixie.
Estess Vorund: A Marali Officer.
Ethereal Lady: Appeared in The Tower.
Ethereal Mage: Appeared in Aborek.
Evers: Seth's apprentice, a niece of Avesne.
Eye Archpriest: A member of The Eye.
Eye Priest: A member of The Eye.
Eye Priestess: A member of The Eye.
Eye Warrior: A member of The Eye.
Falun: Looks for books about dreams.
Feinstein: Geogette Feinstein, a senator of Andris Senate.
Fieltler: Natis Fieltler, a senator of Andris Senate.
Forest Priest: A servant of the forest. Later known as Mexur.
Fortinbras: A mysterious Druid.
Fortune Teller
Frost Mage: A servant of Ice Sorceress.
Furin Hauksen: Head of The Family Hauksen.
Galandir: King Galandir, the ruler of Mirith.
Gale: The wind.
Gellansha: A Sage of the Mhara folks, a prophet.
Gerty: A freelancer.
Gladiator: A member of The Pledge of Blood.
Greshthar: He made himself a Lich on his own will. One of the sons of Darlith. Used to be seen in a labyrinth of arcane runes caused by him near Lerilin Cemetery.
Halbim: Milbim Halbim, a senator of Andris Senate.
Hall Master
Hans: A villager.
Hilgar: Once the leader of the MariRangers, went insane after the Black age.
Ice Sorceress: An Ice Dragon incarnate (?)
Jerdan Haus: A Maralian Guard.
Jack the Red: Big Jack the Red, a leader of Privateers.
Jass: A behemoth of Privateer.
Jassen: Captain Jassen, a leader of Mercenaries.
Jefferson: One of Lancaster's ranks.
Jerry: A Sailor.
Jextil: A son of Lord Craussar.
Kendra: The Amazingly Powerful Kendra, former owner of the magic shop in Andris.
Kincade: An officer of Marali.
Kolarysan: One of representatives of the Mhara folks.
Lancaster: Senator Gordon Lancaster, chosen as president of Andris Senate in succession to Senator Waltham. A traitor.
Legion Fighter: A figure in burning armour.
Libe: A little girl of Mirith, loves stories, adores Darkstar.
Lucien: One of Diabolical Devices...???
Lucky Fairy: Appears unexpectedly during Lucky Moon.
Luth: A musician, hears the souls as merodies.
Lythette: An apprentice of Kendra.
Maragir: One of the sons of Darlith. Among his brothers, only he made a choice not to turn into a Lich. Seen near the Andris Portal.
Marthonis: A Necromancer, head of Marthonis faction of the Black Hand.
Maurise: Ames Maurise, a senator of Andris Senate.
Maximus Adams: Commander Adams of Marali.
Melanis: A Priestess of The Eye. Alastor's wife.
Melaka: An inhabitant of Port Gast, maneges a shop there.
Mexur: A son of Lord Craussar.
Morgans: Clarissa Morgans, a senator of Andris Senate.
Mowyn Quang: An ice sculptor.
Muqities: A senator of Andris Senate.
Murlas: A trader.
Nadirah: A Necromancer.
Nafets: Royal Cleric of Mirith.
N'eroth: Prince Royal of Mirith. The name means renewal in Centaur's language.
Nevyroh: A Lich who appeared in Lerilin Cemetery.
Nita: One of representatives of the Mhara folks.
Nyatha Vaup: Commander Vaup of Marali.
Oklev: A Brigand Mage who served under Master Rem.
Page: Gossip King.
Palmer: Mayor of Lerilin.
Paul the second: A young man who has a bizarre hobby, rubbing caskets.
Pervil: A daughter of Lord Craussar.
Rasha: Rasha and Varsha the Twins. Former rulers of the Black Hand. Varsha's twin elder brother.
Rathvorik: A freelancer.
Rederton: A leader figure of a Brigand squad. Amember of the Black Hand.
Rellia: A mercenary Healer, works for the Black Hand.
Rem (Master Rem): Known as the fuhrer of Diabolical Devices.
Rengal: Lord Rengal, pledged allegiance to King Galandir, now resides in the Mirith castle.
Rivolus: A member of the Black Hand, uses inexperienced black magic, trying to subjugate dragons.
Robertson: A senator of Andris Senate, briefly assumed as the commanding general.
Roth: A member of the merchant's guild.
Samic: An impersonator.
Serene: A descendent of Elara.
Seth: A Grand Wizard.
Sevohabwyn: Avesne's sister. She has a sister, Eve by name.
Sonja Hauksen: A member of The Family Hauksen.
Sshassor: A general of Lizard men troops.
Sss'shkor: A general of Lizard men troops.
Ssscglaw: A senior general of Lizard men troops.
Ssssglissya: A senior general of Lizard men troops.
Sule Tesdor: Major Tesdor of Marali.
Svek Dalnar: An adventurer.
Tarnus Quin: Captain Quin of Marali.
Terwynn Rees: A healer of Marali.
Tim: A member of the Black Hand, posed as a trader.
Tirana: Duchess Tirana. King Galandir's sister, and an agent of the Black Hand.
Toli Hauksen: A member of The Family Hauksen, the eldest daughter.
Uly: A leader of Troll troops (Alliance), stole the Book of Stars, deserted the Black Hand, rejoined, then burnt the Book.
Valencia Falvo: General Falvo. Former co-leader of Marali with Commander Kang. Zara's sister.
Valencius: A member of The Black Hand. (Diabolical Devices)
Vanderbilt: One of Lancaster's ranks.
Vandrovic: An Ice Dragon. A new leader of ice tribes(?).
Varsha: Rasha and Varsha the Twins. Former rulers of the Black Hand. Rasha's twin younger sister.
Venom Priest: A member of some cult of venom haunted in Andris with their venom creatures.
Venudious (Lesser Venudious): A member of Venenum Addo.
Vergil: A knowledgeable mage, seen in Marali sometimes.
Verith: Dreamcreature.
Volund: Sergeant of a mercenary unit.
Waldren: A Brigand Mage.
Waltham: Reynold Waltham, a senator of Andris Senate.
Willow Hauksen: A member of The Family Hauksen. Zexe's childhood friend.
Winston: A senator of Andris Senate.
Witch Doctor: One of Privateers. He declared of Big Jack's Katana as his sword.
Yadeth: A mage of Black Magic, the creator of the poison forges. Elefin's husband.
Zara: Zara Falvo. General Falvo's sister, Zexe's lover. The Kiss of Death.
Zem Stormbrow: A freelancer.
Zexe: Former Royal Guard of Mirith.