Alastor helped us to drive Marthonis from Port Gast.
- Alastor vs. Marthonis - Lou Bene (Written in Japanese)
Oberin is a classical-style game if you say it from a technical standpoint, though,
I do love the aspect that Role Playing has been gathered the threads of Oberin history.
I am trying here to draw up a chronology of events in Oberin,
digging the old sources off the web.
Alastor helped us to drive Marthonis from Port Gast.
Marali liberation forces led by Evers and Mirith Vanguard were formed on a major scale. Marali was liberated from the domination of the Black Hand. The Twins absconded.
Voltan the Guard Captain of Port Gast says; It was abandoned for a long time, now people live here again.
Senator Robertson of Andris was killed at Port Gast by Royal Guard of Mirith and those involved.